Costa Del Azahar
Prix par personne à partir de COP 2.767.957

Costa Del Azahar

À partir de
COP 2.767.957
Prix par personne
À partir de
COP 2.767.957
prix par personne


An incredible getaway to Costa del Azahar.

In Castellón de la Plana three main parts can be distinguished: the historic center, the new neighborhoods and the maritime district, the Grao. To get to know a city well, there is nothing like taking a leisurely stroll through it, mixing with its people and soaking up its charms. Castellón de la Plana has the particularity of being a relatively small city, a quality that gives visitors the opportunity to quickly get a clear idea of ​​what to visit. Something that no one should miss, visitor or Castellón resident, is enjoying gastronomy, traditional Mediterranean or avant-garde cuisine. Castellón has everything: good fish and seafood, meats, excellent olive oil, wines, cheeses, magnificent vegetables, citrus fruits, etc. Good products that the chefs know how to handle perfectly to leave everyone who tries them with a good taste in their mouth.

The historic center that can be visited in Peñíscola is one of the most beautiful in Spain, crowned in its highest part by the imposing Papa Luna Castle. It is so spectacular that the ancient city of Peñíscola has been the filming location for numerous series and movies, including the popular HBO series Game of Thrones.

More than 2,000 years old, Sagunto has a lot to see, although the Roman ruins and the Sagunto Castle stand out. Getting lost in the old town of Sagunto with its sloping cobblestone streets is an opportunity that cannot be missed. Walking through the streets of Sagunto is walking through the history of those Romans who founded the city we now know.

Discover the best of Valencia and enjoy the city as if you were just another Valencian. Don't miss anything!

Valencia is the third largest city in Spain and a good destination at any time of the year. With a temperate climate, an outstanding historical heritage, modern buildings, parks and the beauty that is the Albufera Natural Park at its doors, if you have not yet set foot there, you are already late.

The capital of Túria is a gastronomic paradise dotted with beautiful buildings in which Rome mixes with the Valencian Baroque and the ultra-modern buildings of the City of Arts and Sciences. This architectural, cultural and entertainment complex bears the seal of the controversial Santiago Calatrava and is worth a visit. Among the buildings that comprise it, we highlight the Príncipe Felipe Science Museum, inspired by the skeleton of a dinosaur, and the Oceanogràfic, the largest oceanographic aquarium in Europe.

Don't miss either L'Hemisfèric (a film screening room with a planetarium), L'Umbracle (a garden promenade covered by arches with an open-air art gallery), the Reina Sofía Palace of Arts or the covered plaza of the Agora.

A unique experience that you will always remember!


Langues du guide


Point de rencontre

1: Castellon de la Plana
2: Castellon de la Plana, Peniscola, Sagunto
3: Sagunto, Valence


Cóctel de Bienvenida

2 noches en Hotel en Marina D’Or en Pensión Completa

2 horas de SPA en Marina D’Or

Entrada en el Castillo de Peñiscola

Entrada en la Ciudad de las Artes y

Ciencias de Valencia - Oceanografic

Seguro obligatorio


Valencia – ½ día

Peniscola – ½ día

Sagunto – ½ día

Castellón – ½ día

Traslados hasta el hotel el 1er. día y de regreso a casa el último día.

Gastos personales     

Tasas turísticas            

Todo lo que no esté indicado como incluido

Estimado Cliente,

Le invitamos a disfrutar de su viaje con total comodidad. Puede optar por viajar en su propio vehículo o elegir la opción de un vehículo con chofer y guía durante todo el recorrido.

❖ Viaje en privado: Ideal para personas que desean disfrutar de un viaje en privado, a partir de 1 pax.

❖ Venta plaza a plaza (salida garantizada a partir de 8 personas confirmadas). Reembolsable en caso de no alcanzar el mínimo de pax requeridos.

Por favor, seleccione la opción que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades y no dude en contactarnos si tiene alguna pregunta o requiere más información. ¡Esperamos hacer de su viaje una experiencia inolvidable!

Hébergements possibles

3 hébergements