Kişi başı fiyat: COP 6.700.638


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COP 6.700.638
Kişi başı fiyat
Dan beri
COP 6.700.638
adam başı fiyat


Imagine a journey where every step transports you to the purest essence of Spain's history and culture. This fascinating tour of the Great Route of Magical Cities and Villas of the Old Kingdoms immerses you in dreamlike landscapes, charming villages and monuments that hold centuries of legends. During this trip, you will discover some of the most beautiful and emblematic corners of the Spanish geography, from imposing medieval castles to small villages full of authenticity.

The journey begins in the heart of Castile, in Arevalo, a medieval gem that offers a mix of popular Castilian architecture and rich history. Its arcaded squares, Romanesque churches and the majestic Arévalo Castle, with its characteristic Mudejar style, invite you to travel back in time. Walks along its river paths, in the middle of nature, allow you to enjoy the peace of the rivers that wind between history and natural beauty.

As you advance, you reach Turégano, dominated by its spectacular castle perched above the church of San Miguel, a symbol of the perfect fusion between fortification and spirituality. Turégano envelops you in its atmosphere of tranquility as you walk through its cobbled streets, with your eyes always on the imposing towers that have watched over you since the past.

The route continues towards Peñaranda de Duero, where time seems to have stopped between its walls, castles and squares that evoke the splendour of the Renaissance. Here, you will discover palaces and fortifications that were the scenes of stories of counts and warriors, in an environment where architecture and nature merge seamlessly. In addition, the underground wineries that cross the city add a touch of mystery and winemaking tradition that will bring you closer to the oldest flavors of the region.

From Peñaranda, the journey continues to Peñafiel, where vineyards wrap around hills and ancient winemaking customs come to life. The city, crowned by its imposing castle, is home to the Wine Museum, a place where history and tradition are savoured in every glass. Here, you'll enjoy postcard-worthy views, with the Douro Valley stretching out before you as you sip the best local wines.

The magic of the ancient kingdoms is still present in every town you visit. In Castronuño, nature becomes the protagonist, with its impressive Riberas del Duero Nature Reserve. Between poplars and water birds, this protected area invites you to immerse yourself in its serenity, while its underground cellars tell centuries-old stories.

Further on, Tiedra offers you a contrast with its lavender plantations and its old castle. Here, you will not only learn about medieval history, but also the tradition of beekeeping and lavender cultivation, which fills the air with fresh and relaxing fragrances. The Tiedra Astronomical Centre will take you even further, this time to the sky, where the stars and planets become the protagonists of a magical experience.

In Becerril de Campos, culture and knowledge are combined with astronomy in San Pedro Cultural, a unique space where the old Romanesque church has been transformed into a centre dedicated to the stars. A walk through its streets is a journey through the universe, in a unique experience that mixes art, science and spirituality.

The journey continues through Frómista and its emblematic church of San Martín de Tours, a symbol of Castilian Romanesque, before arriving in Sahagún, where medieval spirituality comes to life in its churches and monasteries full of stories of the Camino de Santiago.

Finally, the route takes you to Brañosera, the oldest town in Spain, where history is lived in every corner, surrounded by the impressive natural landscape of the Palencia Mountain. Here, hiking trails take you to dreamlike landscapes, with mountains, rivers, and clear skies that look like something out of a painting.

This trip is much more than a sightseeing tour; it is a deep and immersive experience, where each place tells a story, each typical dish connects you with the land, and each monument transports you to past times. The Great Route of Magical Cities and Villas of the Old Kingdoms invites you to explore, discover and be amazed, letting each town and each step surprise you with its cultural richness and natural beauty. It is a trip that will undoubtedly be engraved in your memory as a unique adventure, a journey through the soul of Spain.


Buluşma noktası

Alojamiento rural en Arévalo
1 Günü: Arévalo
2 Günü: Arévalo, Turegano
3 Günü: Turegano, peñaranda de duero
4 Günü: peñaranda de duero, Peñafiel
5 Günü: Peñafiel, Castronuño
6 Günü: Castronuño, Tiedra
7 Günü: Tiedra
8 Günü: Tiedra, Sahagun
9 Günü: Sahagun, Becerril de Campos
10 Günü: Becerril de Campos, Frómista
11 Günü: Frómista, Branosera
12 Günü: Branosera, Cangas de Onís
13 Günü: Cangas de Onís

❖12 noches de alojamiento con desayuno y cena (menú concertado), en alojamientos rurales, locales o con encanto.

❖ Alojamientos disponibles o similares:

➢ Arévalo – Hotel Spa Viña Real o Posada Real 5 Linajes o Mi Villa Arévalo 

➢ Turégano - Hotel Rural La Casa Vieja o Complejo Rural a Toca

➢ Peñaranda de Duero – Alojamientos Palacete o Hotel Señorío de Velez

➢ Peñafiel – AZZ Peñafiel Las Claras o Posada Casona de Valbuena

➢ Castronuño – Beautiful Alamedas o Alto de la Reserva

➢ Tiedra – Casa Rural La Panera del Sacristán o Casas Rurales I y II

➢ Becerril de Campos – Sanmartina Hotel o Casa Rural Casas del Corro

➢ Frómista – Hotel Rural San Telmo o Hotel Rural San Pedro

➢ San Facundo - Hotel Ponferrada Plaza o Casa Rural Abuelo Graciano

➢ Sahagún – Hostal San Juan o Hostal La Codorniz

➢ Brañosera – Casa Rural Calderón o Hostal Rural El Valle

➢ Cangas de Onís – Hotel Santa Cruz o Hotel Ciudad Cangas de Onís o Hotel Picabel 

❖ Restaurantes disponibles o similares:

➢ Arévalo – El Figón de Arévalo o Restaurante Anduriña

➢ Turégano - Casa Holgueras o Posada La Casa Vieja

➢ Peñaranda de Duero – Restaurante Palacete o Bar Chuleta

➢ Peñafiel – El Lagar de San Vicente o Restaurante Curioso o Restaurante Mélida Wines 

➢ Castronuño – Restaurante Guacamayo o Restaurante Casa Pepe

➢ Tiedra – El Molino de Tiedra o El Refugio del Pago

➢ Becerril de Campos – Restaurante 3 Culturas o Restaurante La Zilla

➢ Frómista – Restaurante El Chiringuito o Restaurante Villa de Frómista

➢ San Facundo - Bar Hermanos Vila

➢ Sahagún – Restaurante Luis Sahagún o Restaurante El Ruedo II

➢ Brañosera – Restaurante San Roque o Restaurante La Puerta

➢ Cangas de Onís – El Molín de la Pedrera o La Sinfonería

❖ La ruta está disponible a partir de 1 pax

❖ El precio base incluye todos los servicios en su propio vehículo.

❖Seguro. (Consultar casuísticas)

❖ Transporte

❖ Almuerzos

❖ Bebidas

❖ Gasolina

❖ Peajes

❖ Desayunos y cenas: Se considerará un extra, todos los platos fuera del menú concertado. los cuáles serán abonados directamente en el establecimiento por el cliente.

❖ Todo lo NO indicado en el incluido



❖Condiciones meteorológicas: TGTE no se hace responsable de las condiciones meteorológicas adversas que puedan afectar el desarrollo de la ruta. En caso de cancelación o modificación de actividades y servicios debido a fenómenos climáticos, no se contemplan reembolsos ni compensaciones.

❖Intolerancias y alergias alimenticias: Es responsabilidad del cliente informar con antelación sobre cualquier intolerancia o alergia alimentaria.

❖Responsabilidad del cliente: TGTE se exime de cualquier responsabilidad por daños, lesiones o accidentes que el cliente pueda sufrir durante la ruta, actividades programadas o cualquier otra circunstancia derivada de su participación en el viaje. Seguro premium incluido. (Consultar casuísticas)

❖Modificaciones por cierres o cambios de horario: TGTE no se hace responsable de cambios en el itinerario ocasionados por el cierre de instalaciones, modificaciones de horarios o ajustes en la operativa de los lugares visitados debido a temporadas o eventos especiales. En estos casos, se propondrán alternativas según disponibilidad.

❖Llegada tardía a las actividades: Es responsabilidad del cliente presentarse puntualmente a las actividades programadas. En caso de retraso, la actividad se considerará cancelada sin derecho a reembolso.

❖Horarios oficiales y cambios fuera de horario: Las actividades se desarrollarán conforme a los horarios oficiales establecidos. Si el cliente desea realizar cambios o programar actividades fuera del horario oficial, esto podrá realizarse con un cargo adicional, sujeto a disponibilidad. Se recomienda consultar previamente para gestionar los ajustes necesarios.

❖Bono de confirmación: Una vez reconfirmada la reserva, TGTE facilitará el itinerario definitivo junto con la confirmación de todos los servicios incluidos en el viaje. Durante toda la ruta el cliente deberá disponer en formato papel o digital de la confirmación de todos los servicios facilitado por TGTE para presentar en los establecimientos.

❖Sella tu Pasaporte Mágico: Durante el recorrido, tendrás la oportunidad de sellar tu Pasaporte Mágico, registrando los pueblos visitados. Existen dos formatos disponibles:

➢ Formato físico: Se puede solicitar y recoger en la oficina de turismo de cualquier Pueblo Mágico.

➢ Formato digital: Disponible a través de la App de Pueblos Mágicos, donde puedes digitalizar tu pasaporte físico o llevar un registro digital.

Convertirte en un Master Viajero es fácil, solo tienes que ir sellando tu pasaporte en cada destino y disfrutar al máximo de la experiencia.

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